Derus Home Improvements, LLC
Your Milwaukee Kitchen and Bath Specialists
Nick Derus
Nick Derus of Derus Home Improvements, LLC is a registered, licensed Building General Contractor with over 20 years of experience. Derus specializes in custom kitchen and bath remodeling and improvements, while also offering special custom work creating sunrooms and residential additions. Derus Home Improvements LLC is in ranked in the top percentile of Wisconsin licensed contractors.
As a general contractor, we have the advantage over single services. We offer the customer full-service project management, taking the worry of hiring and coordinating craftsmen, materials, and tools off of your shoulders. We take care of all the details, from permit to final cleanup.
Derus Home Improvements, LLC only uses trusted subcontractors that have been thoroughly vetted for quality and competitive pricing. Because we deal with all the subcontractors and suppliers, you only need to deal with one person to get all of your concerns addressed. It is this efficient and open flow of communication which our customers appreciate most.
We value your time and your family life. You can count on us to work hard and efficiently to achieve quick completion of projects. We get the whole job done right, on your schedule, according to your design and in your budget. We go to every length to keep you apprised of every aspect of design and build. Our customers also appreciate our hand-drawn perspectives. No generic digital, hard to interpret documents for our customers. We want you to be able to see the true beauty of the design we will be creating for you.
Call us today for an in-home, consultation about your next project. 414-530-0710
Nick Derus, Owner.